A long time ago, we promised a elven rider on dragon. Well guys, is the time to show up to him, The Dragon Prince! One of the main starts of our new kickstarter.
Just one day before campaign starts! This monday, the gates will be open and everybody will be able to leave their comments about our new pointy elves!
Everything is nearly ready, I am so excited! Follow the link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lastsword/elven-lords-the-queens-duty
Dragon Knight, on monday will be with all of you at our campaign opening!
Ok, let’s go to business… A dragon for elves is a model that we had been waiting to scultp for a very, long, long time… When we had the chance to do it, we could not leave it pass. So we asked to Sthepane about to sculpt another great model, but this time for Elven Lords instead of Lizarmen.
Why Stephane?… We love the work he did with big models in Jungles Awakening campaign. And a dragon is like a big lizar with wings… so perfect!
I am not sure what to show first now, the dragon o the elven knight… anyway dragon first!
Dragon is amazing, but the elven knight over in, furios and handing the long spear looks great too!
As a big model, this miniature is full of details. As dragon’s amour all around its body.

Ride a dragon should be so difficult. For that reason we spent a lot time searching some inspiration for the saddle. Finally we found some references in the Dragon lance chronicles that we love it.

One last picture to show up how difficult is sculpt a model like this!

And everybody is asking how big is it… Ok guys. Is not massive, maybe in the future, but is big enough to defeat all of your armies in combat 😛
Elven Dragon is 11cm high and 13cm wignspan aproxx.
Well guys, I go back to my cave to finnish the campaign for tomorrow! I hope you like our dragon 😉