Scenery: Wooden Chests
Chests is something that every successful army bring afther the victory! We are still working in small terrain pieces. Play to Warhammer, Mordheim y 1650 A Capa y Espada is more interesting if the board is plenty of details. This time we did chests. We used to tecniques, both so easy and similar. We would like to have severals items to use them as small elements to use into your games. We have took two different and similar ways. Firstly, we cut different SuperSculpey clay shapes.

Scenery: High Stone Walls III
The sun is shining outside and I fell that I want to play more than craft scenery. But we have to finish uncompleted projects before to star a new one… for sure. A new step in our DIY Stone Wall. Today we going to the last stones on the wall and hopefully finish. A few days ago we visited our friends at Ludus Belli wargame center, and they tell us about how lovely our walls looked! Futhermore the size is tall enough for hide one of their tanks! With

Wooden tower
This week I started a new scenery element. I am doing a wooden tower, that I will use in the future with my fantasy scenery. I hope that you like!

Bayeux tapestry
Bayeux tapestry made in the XI century, is a excellent medieval work. These last week we are so busy with elves, so today we would like to share this tapestry and keep going with kickstarter orders.

Botanicus Imperialis: Forestry base
Now that we have our resin trees, is time to do a base to make a forest for Warhammer fantasy or Kings of war.