Today we would like to show up here our diorama for Elven Lords: Dragon’s Roar. We have been inspired by first fantasy images that we saw ages ago…
Each time that we start to work in a new campaign, we have to think not only in miniatures and scenery. We must to find way to show all that too. We think a diorama is the best way bring to you our work.
A miniature images into a lightbox is the best to appreciate paint, but when we have to inspirate to tohers nothing better than fantasy athomsphere.
A diorama is the best place to show up our miniatures!
Sure that you have seen our first board for Elven Lords. We really enjoy with a careless garden (not possible at UK 😛 ). We wanted to do something new but in the same line, so we decided add another board. This board will follow the path behind the wooden gate.
We used a 30x30cm DM board where we drew all our ideas. Finally we decided: a spoiled way, now a path, with some elven scenery in the edges and a dark wood at the back. Easy!
Elven Lords board is so high, so we used a 2,5cm polysthyrene piece to up this one.
Elves are nearly perfect creatures… but no for us. Long time from last time that somebody cares the way. So we placed the statues and obeliks and broken one of them. Furthermore, cobblestone will be hide for a new layer of dust and dirth soil

We added extra relief with Dass clay and white glue. It is great, easy to glue and much ressitant. We carved holes in the ground and added some stones.
This is the board finished. Looks a bit strange with coloured resin, but wait to see full painted board!!

Some of Elven Lords: Dragon’s Roar kickstarter campaign images has been taken in this board painted. I would like to take full board pictures soon and show you here!
Do you like our new board?