Drako banner

The Elven Lords keep going  and now their banners appear against the horizon. Today we bring one of the bit from our Command Group sprue, Drako banner.

Dragons are ancient criatures as magic. Probably this is the reason why elven race feel  attracted by them. For that reason we thought that a dragon shape in a banner could look great.


We wish to sculpt dragons!

We will have to wait until can sculpt a dragon for our Elven Lords. While, we have the banner to do a tiny one!

Command Group sprues are bits that you can combinate with heavy armored and light armored bodies. For that banner we have a very clear idea, a small draco with its tail around the staft. Pablo Calleja helped to us drawing a concept. Then was so easy to transfer to 3d picture.


This 360º a video shows our Drako banner handered by an elf with heavy armour, perfect for a elven spearmen cohort.


Jesús Gómez has painted this miniature. Standart bearer must fit with our painted miniatures, so he used the same scheme colours.

Raising Drako banner in front of the Gate, elves enemies know that they won’t be able to pass”.

We keep going workin in our Kickstaster campaign. Soon we will show a  mussiciand and spearmen 360 videoº. At the end of the week, we hoped has finished to paint a very big sorprise.

We would like to remind to you that we need our help, sharing The Elven Lords kickstarter campaign in your social.

There are a few locked stretch goals!


Thank you guys!


Comi Mec

Es quien a través de un continuo proceso de aprendizaje elabora la escenografía del blog. Además se encarga de la traducción de los post y su difusión en Internet.Este es "El taller" en donde se realiza gran parte de la escenografía que os mostramos en El Canto de las Espadas. La verdad es que nos gustaría tener un espacio más amplio y conservarlo algo más ordenado, pero...

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