While you are searching on the internet looking for whatever about Warhammer 40.000 you could find exactly that whatever!. This time we found a great Reaver of Dark Eldar for Warhammer 40.000 excellent painted by Raffaele Picca.
“There are not spider on the web…“
If you use to read news about painting competition you must know who is Raffale Picca. This german guy borned at Ulm in the 1984 is maeby one of the best pintors of the continent. He won two Swords in the german Games Day, a proot of is value.
In a interview he told how painted the Reaver just in five hours! We will never could do something like that! Is almost fast painting!
We hope that you like that spectacular Reaver of Darl Eldar for Warhammer 40.000 painted by Raffaele Picca as we like it.