Freak Wars 2017 is a spanish show in Madrid running by La Posada del Friki. LastSword Miniatures has been there the 16th and 17th of September with our own Stand.
When you are running a new miniatures company, you shpuld go to all shows that you can afford. Right now, for a spanish company, or a tidy spanish company like us, there are three very important shows: Hispania Wargames (Málaga), Freak Wars (Madrid) and Salutte (London). Besides Ludus Ergo Sum (Madrid) is a great show and Oldhammer Spain Weekend (Madrid), a very close show for wargames who are playing this hobby from the old ages, too.
Last weekend we went to Freak Wars 2017. It was gonna be easy find a lot of great companies, so we decided take our stand and go!
The Elven Lords had their debutante ball at the Freak Wars!
Unfortunately in a show we never have enough time to take the camera and go along the stands to show later here to everyone. Every time that you try to take a break from your stand, somebody is coming to you asking about your models, and that … that is great!
Nowadays a lot of wargamers take pictures, so in a couple of days, will be easy to find on the internet! We will be so glad if somebody wants to send pictures to us 😉
Our experience in a show is set up the stands and stay there taking care of all the lovely people who come to see us.

Most of comments were about our Elven Lords, material, dates, poses, etc. I hope that everybody could understand our view.
For people who didn’t know us before, our desings were a great sorprise. They could check how plastic resin resistant is, blending a spear, never break, just we had to glue a couple of times. Or looking shouldpads hiding all joints to can use any pose with our figures.
Scenery has great comments too. These days when most of companies are working with laser cut or 3D, is warm find somepeople who appreciates the old school. Anyway we are introducing 3d sculping in new small scenery pieces like barrels, fonts, pedestals, etc. We gonna show them soon here!

As a personal comment I would like to say that I fell in love for:
Punk Apocalyptic boards and La Dorada a scenery piece from Thunder Chrome. It is a shame don’t have any picture of that, sure that you will find them on the internet soon.
In conclusion, I would like to go back next year! So you can imagen that we will answer yes to most of the questions: yes, we enjoyed; yes, we sold some items; yes, everybody was very kind; yes, a lot of wargamers could see our Elven Lords; yes, yes, yes.
Now its time to keep going working. We would like to be able to launch on kickstarter The Elven Lords in two or three weeks. Besides we have to sclup new scenery.
Thank you guys! Has been great to share the weekend!