When we presented in society the Elysians army from the Imperial Guard we were prepairing to play the Taros Campaign from the Imperial Armour III for Warhammer 40k, we got shocked by the replies.
Both Elysian Infantry Squad and Valkyria have gotten a warm welcome. And we thank you.
It hasn’t been a few questions done about the painting. In aircraft’s case the question were around the wear, but in the Infantry’s case was about the colour scheme what woke up more queries.
To reply in a clear way about all the questions related to the colours used on the Elysian Infantry Squad for Taros, we’ve done a guide. You’ll be able to find specific colours and their brand specifically (Citadel and Vallejo mostly).

We hope it can help you and we’re open to any suggestion you do.
Esperamos que os sirva de ayuda y estamos abiertos a cualquier sugerencia que nos hagáis.