Prime Draco is our army bearer for elven armies. A miniature with a look between fantasy and soldiers of Roma. It is one of the Screch goals too, so you have a chance to get it for free!
One day left!
To many people is backing our Kickstarter campaign now. If we are enough lucky, Prime Draco Strech goal will be unlocked!
First Legion bearer is our model to represent an army standard bearer of any fantasy battle game. This miniature will call your attention for its details and painting!
This is a 360º of the 3D model. Check all scultped details.
We haven been speaking with a lot of your about lion skin. Some people asking for a dragon head instead, but we dismiss that idea for some reasons. One of them is the scale, a dragon head is too big for an elven helmet, honestly. furthermore we wanted to keep soldiers of Roman spirit.
Probably we will scultp different animal skins in others of our miniatures soon.
We are really happy with how bearer looks.

We have Ink&Brush jailed in the cellar, so… he painted another excellent miniature for us!!
Just one day left folks!!
Do not wait until last minute to back the project 😛
Do you like the lion or do you prefert a dragon skin?