Undeads! Yes, Undeads are our following project. The rising of those who were like us time ago… And a new Sculptor. Ladies and Gentlemen, Israel!
Elves, Lizarmen and now Undeads… how many projects can we do? Well, with enough help a lot of them. Once again we can count with a great spanish sculptor.
Israel has been working in the last 10 years sculpting miniatures for different projects and companies as Games Workshop, Mantic, FreeBooter Miniatures and Tercio Creativo. Nowadays he is working on Castilla Oscura, a great project with a lot of miniatures, rules and backgroud.
Now we feel so lucky because he have asked for our help. We could not say “it is not my cup of tea”, just “yes, yes, yes!” after saw what he has in his mind. So that is the reaason why we are here now talking about it! It is our first project together and we hope that you like the result.
The Undeads are rising in Ampurias County.
And now, let’s talk about business.
Undeads, The Fallen County of Ampurias. This is the campaign’s name where you will find our new Undeads models. To begin with we are sculpting a regiment of skeleton warriors.
Before to start let’s have a break looking the first model.

Four differents models in a 32mm scale. Multicomponents and multipose. They will hand spear or sword and shields.
Form in ranks will be possible and they will be avariable in small groups to play skirmish.
A small “360º”.
Helmet, chain mail and a padded armour are not the main defense of this model. The shield is big enough to hide behind it!

Well guys, first pictures, first impresión!
Let us know all you think about this models and if you like know something else. To us is very important sculpt models that we love and you like.
What do you think about our first Skeleton Warrior?