Skeleton Warrior Officer painted is our miniature for today, but as today is satuyday let’s go with a “fast” update! We have taken some pictures and a 360º of this undead model painted by Giye.
Last weekend guys for The Fallen County of Ampurias campaign. The kickstarter campaign is nearly finish and all the miniatures has been showed. So it is the time when you have to decided if you will support our campaign taking some Pledges and Addons.
If does not matter if you will or will not, anyway we would like to say thank you for everyone who has been spreading our campaign or spending his time reading our articles and facebook updates, thanks all!
We are working too in our elves and dwarven race
Well, and now, let’s go to bussines. Skeleton Warrior Officer is not a single miniature. Are composed of one Skeleton body and some bits from our Skeleton Command sprue. So you will be able to decided with body, head… use; always up to you!
Giye has painted this model with the same scheme colour of the regular undeads.
Here you can see all details closer.
Well guys I hope that you are not bored of our updates! I know that nowadays there are too many undead in here, but we are still working in our elves and dwarven race and something else, but is a secret 😉
What do you think of our undead officer?