The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug release is so close! It is a nice excuse to bring here Thorin´s company. These excellent figures by Games Workshop have been painted by HvM.
“Fillim Killi …Oin, Gloin. Dwalin, Balin. bifur, Bofur, Bombur. Dori, Nori.” Gandalf the grey.
HvM has had a new project before The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey release. Paint each and every one of the Thorins company crews, also Thorin oakenshield. He painted one per day and could finished before the date.
This is not the firts time that HvM suprises to ous with a great project. Last time we could see his Mormont House of Games of Thrones.
For us al paint work is brilliant, but the bases are super! Simples and nice looking. And excellent inspiration to our Wooden Elves bases.
No is tome to pray, we hope that Games Workshop don´t give to produce excellent figures than Thorin´s Company afther film fevers has gone.
What do think about Thorin´s Company painted by HvM?