Thank you guys, we have collected a lots suggestions about our Dragon Guard. Now, we are running Albus Custodes, the following regiment before to launch a new kickstarter.
Albus Custodes are the guards at Ivory Tower. This is the center of the elven empire, merchans, goods, slaves, and the spoils of war are bring here the main city of the elven empire. So they act like a city guard, mainly into the walls, commanded by the Eternals Chamber.
Elf warriors with heavy armour and great sword.
We had a clear idea before to start with these models. A warrior with a great sword and heavy armour. Ranks of them figthing agaings the enemy, hidden one of the body side, and offering the most amoured.

While we sculpted a different armour for our Dragon Guard, this time we have decided to go back to the infantry heavy armour. We have added some extra details but the shape is mainly the same.
Helmets look a bit different. Inspirated by conical helmets, we had added our personal touch.
These models are handed oriental swords, look like spearmen command group swords.
In this pose, the soulder pad and the arm are a one bit. But it has been necesary, anyway in the following poses could be different.
A los cascos también hemos tratado de darles una forma única, sin abandonar la inspiración cónica. Es uno de los puntos que mas nos gustan.
Las espadas son de inspiración oriental, para que no desentonen con las que empelamos en los primeros Elven Lords.
En la pose hemos conseguido que las espada se pueda colocar en cualquier inclinación. Eso permitirá formar una linea completa haciendo un efecto de ola. Nuestro pequeño homenaje a las películas del Señor de los Anillos.
Lograrlo a tenido un pequeño precio. Una de las hombreas de esta pose tiene que ir fundida al brazo, para que la pose funcione de una forma natural y no sea complicada de montar. Reduce un poco las posibilidades de intercambio de piezas, pero creemos que en esta pose, merece la pena el sacrificio.
Esperemos que en el resto de poses no sea necesario.
What about to mix an Albus Custodes with a Dragon guard?
Full compatible among them!

Well, this is all folks!
Right now we are designing so, is the best moment to read all your suggestions and advices guys, just drop a message to us!