From Patreon to LastSword.com, this month we added new humans of the High Kingdom models! Handgunners, Swordmen, new characters and a new war camp!
So, let me introduce them!
Firstly we have to said if you want to be the first who take digital files from this models, join to our Patreon. Futhermore, welcome pack models will be yours.
You can get the digital files or purchase print on deman items!
For this month we have a couple of characters, one infantry regiments, a monsters regiment and a heavy cavalry regiment.
The first of them is a new ArchiMage miniature that you can find too on horse. The Archimage on foot.

And the ArchiMage on Pegasus.
Inspirated by a general from 15th century, the Great Captain can be mount on foot and on horse and on pegasus like the Archimage. Great Captain on foot.

In addition to the characters, we also have two regiments. High kingdom armies are composed of severals melee regiments, ranged units, cavalry and great war machines.
This time we have bring two new infantry. For melee combats, the High Kingdom Swordmen. The Command Group and four different Swordmen. Can be assemble with Hand weapon and shield, or with two hand weapons.
The Handgunners of the High Kingdom are the new range attack regiment of this month. Officer Comman Group can be equiped with a long range of weapons. Futhermore, there are eight different models, four of them firing and the other four loading. Handgunners of the High Kingdom.
Even if we are just playing a fantasy game, war always have a horrible face. Swordmen Casualties.

We love build atmosphere for our games. Scenery always helps to created atmosphere for our games. Now our games can run among army tents. High Kingdom Command Tent.

Even the regular soldiers deserve a tent. High Kingdom Camp fire.

All these new models can be purchase in our Online Store guys.
Check our Patreon and visit our Facebook to know about this month news!!!
I hope that you like!