Nobody listened to him before, why they will listen to him now? Because his brings the doom words. This is a new undead miniature for our Kickstarter. The Herald of Doom!
Now that the campaign is lanched and funded not matters that we have stop to work in the creative area. We are still sculpting models and if we get something nice we going to add it to the campaign guys!
The Herald of the Doom is one of the nice things that we have done! A new 32mm scale undead model, that you can play as a you want… I can imagen the sound of the bell inside a dungeon, coming close, step a step…
The herald of the doom, a new social goal!
We have added The Herald no just like an addon for 8€. Besides has been adding as a new Stretch Goal that you can get if our campaign is shared 150 times on facebook
Esta es nuestro último lanzamiento en Kickstarter. Los No Muertosestan aqui, y han venido a quedarse.. por la eternidad.¡Ayudadnos a compartir la campaña!
Publicada por Last Sword en Martes, 11 de junio de 2019
Reach the goals is not difficult if all of you share it a coulple of times. Team work guys, team work!
Talking about the desing, this infantry miniature call your attention for the big bell over the shoulders. When you look more closely you can dicover that the clapper is the miniature head! This view come straight from Dante’s inferno!

At the moment is only a 3D model, but we have taken some pictures to do a “360º”.
I can not wait too see it painted! I hope that you like the model!
Remember that we are still unlocking stretch goals, so spread or campaign!
Do you like our herald?