We have a new team member in Last Sword Miniatures, Giye! He bring to us one of their very well painted figures of Infinity The game. Haqqislam troop, Azrail Feuerbach.
After a service like bodyguard for Haqqislam sultan, Azrail troops are designed into an elite squad. Equiped with a Feuerbach, these units are sending to the combat to use their special skills agains the enemies.
We are so glad with Giye colaboration and his Infinity the Game Azrail Feuerbach figure.
We have spent some time comtemplating Give‘s figures before ask him if we can borrow to take some pictures and show up in Last Sword.
He is very protective with is figures, but finnaly he let us do it!
About painting job we can say that he used mainly airbush. For details he needed a brush.
Game air, model air,game color, model color… Giye used a larga range of colours to pain Azrail Feuerbach.
Vallejo’s acrylic colors and lots of patience is everything that Giye needed to paint Azrail Feuerbach.
He usde an airbusrh to prime and red scarlet like undercoat color. Red Scarlet was an excellent colour base to star. Then, taking an airburhs again, he added lights and shadows with sand yellow and red scarlet mix. He needed a fine detail brush to apply the highlghts with grey.
With Azrail Feuerback painted we placed it into a Infinity The game scenery before to take pictures.
What is true is whit figures like that is so easy take picutres.

We hope that you like Haqqislam troop Azrail Feuerback for Infinity The game painted by Give.
Besides we expect be able to show more figures painted by the excellen hand of Giye.
What do you think about the figure?