The Fallen Lineage is our new campaign on Kickstarter. Finally we have dark elves in our miniatures range. 32mm scale models on 3D ready to be printed. Let’s go to see the campaign closely.
This is the last campaign on kickstarter that we have launched. Elven miniature models for a new faction or dark elves. The Falling lineage.
Dark Elves of the Falling Lineage
In my oppinion, this campaign is huge. Honestly it looks like three or four different campaigns that we have launch in one. Mainly we can distinguish three parts, army, scenery and bireme. Let’s go to see each Pledge!
The Army – 45€

- Triach’s Captain
- Prince on black dragon
- Princes on horse
- Army Bearer on horse.
- Assasin
- Sorcerer
- Beastmaster
- Avatar of the Serpent Goddness
- Dark Phalanx Swordmen on march
- Dark Phalanx Spearmen on combat
- Auxilia Crossbowmen
- Raiders of the Trierarch
- Executioners
- Shadow Riders
- Hydra and Beast Masters
- Bolt Throwers
Futhermore you will find a lot of stretch goals that you can get for free!!!
For 35€ you can Pledge the Fallen Lineage Village, a lot of scenery for your dark elves.

There are all the building included:
- LightHouse
- Domo
- Ville
- Merchant House
- Citizen House
- Unlocked Scenery Strech Goals
The Fallen Lineage Bireme is one of our biggest model, this is the reason why we have an Pledge only with it!
Tetrarchy’s Bireme – 35€

In the other and you can get all Pledges together just for 85€.
Remember that we have Early Bird Pledges for the faster backers!

Finally we have a gift for all of you.
The Triach’s Captain, is a model that you can download for free here: Triach’s Captain.
Check the scale and details of campaign models before to support us.
To be honest guys, there are a lot of work here of many people. We really hope that you like the models and the campaign.
I would like to ask you about to share our campaign in your social media, this is the link to do it: Fallen Lineage campaign.
It is done, dices are rolled….
Thank you!