Leopold’s Leopard Company is one of our favorite mercenary regiment from Dogs of war army book. With their leopard skins and pikes, the unit look great in the battle field! We use to deploy that regiment together with our Empire units, as spearmen.
“Who, for heavens sake, is no afraid of a leopard with two heads and three tails? Send the gold to the temple!“
Before to star with the article, we would like to thank everybody for support us visiting our blig last three monts. We have nearly one thounsand visits, it was a great surprise, Thanks alots!
Lately we were writing a lots articles about scenery. We would like to balance the scale publishing another mercenary regimento, Leopold’s Leopard Company.
Dogs of war is a forgotten army that everybody remember.
When we were kids, Leopold’s Leopard Company was one of our favorites! Now that we are not kids we have the opportunity to paint our 40 men regiment. Afther painted 40 Alcatani Fellowship pikemen we were a bit afraid… antoher 40 pikemen and all those leopard skins, it won´t be easy.
The same scheme color is used in both mercenary regiments. Games Workshop painted the unit with bronce color, but we think that steel and red will look much real.
As Leopold’s Leopard Company we haven´t got the banner, so we cut tin again and hand-paint a leopard just with one head and tail. We didn´t want a new banner, so we ripped a corner.
As Leopold’s Leopard Company we haven´t got the banner, so we have needed to do a new one.
Leopard will flutter on the wind again.
We cut tin again and hand-paint a leopard just with one head and tail. We didn´t want a new banner, so we ripped a corner.

Our mercenary armi is growing. We really like use that figures to play Warhammer Fantasy.
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