We are back, and the Jungle is awakening right now! Our first Saurian Ancients campaign is nearly ready to be launch on Kickstarter, so let’s go with the introductions of our Lizarmen!
Today I want to present you the models on witch I spent most of my time on Zbrush… they are the first to cross your mind when you think about the lizardmen army, the Saurian Warriors!
So for this models I wanted to do something special. They’ve always been very tricky to work with because of their size compared to the small surface of the base for those who play 9th age. So to solve that I decided to do what’s never done before on Saurians : multipose models !
Four different bodies for Saurians with shield and spear or hand weapon.
With multipose models you can achieve a much more dynamic and variate units and still have the chance to put them together on square bases. But that’s not all of it. For this regiment I sculpted four different bodies, two of them running and other two a bit more static.
To enhance even more the dynamic of the unit you will have different multipose models depending if the saurus is going on the first line or the ones behind!
Sauriant regiment will be available either with shield on one hand hand spears or hand weapon in the other one.

For the spears I made some research on aztec spears called : teputzopilli and adapted them to the artefacts that I made for my army. I kept the obsidian-tipped then added some feathers and glyphs all along the spear. The arm is multiples so you can choose the position you like the most to achieve the dynamic you like the most for the unit.

Now I wish to talk about the running guys.
As you can see we are far from the static and skinny Saurians we are used to. I really wanted to give him that fierce and aggressive look that they deserve !.. I kept the scale pattern I’ve been working on and designed a head much more detailed in order to give them more character.
The most important thing I wanted to achieve was the dynamic of them, so I came with the idea of make them running, almost jumping so you can have the feeling that all the unit is charging.
For those who will use them with round bases you’ll have the possibility to order only this models to have a full dynamic unit. That won’t be possible for those who play 9th age cause they won’t feat in square bases touching each others.

I hope that you like these models guys!
The following weeks we going to have a lots things to do it, anyway I will find the time to read your comments, tx!!!
So… What do you think about our Saurian warrios with shield and spear?