Elves are back, and these ladies are ready to protect their Queen. Shieldmaidens Guards are growing up!
We promised more elves and you will have more elves! I am sure you guessed in our article Everqueen’s Shieldmaidens, the elven Queen will be an important character in our following Kickstarter campaign.
I would like show up our Everqueen model, but we are still working on her guard.
Female elven warriors to protect the most important thing of the kingdom
This is a T 3D model. A sculptured miniature without to many details. Just a premodel under wich to work. So, do not be worry if it looks a bit incompleted.

Bow is a great range weapon for elves, and we going to add this option for a shieldmaidens regiment.

Ranks and ranks of spears, this is what enemies can wait to find here…

T 3D models could look so basic, but have a look to other our of elven T and remember the final elven models!

Well guys, I know it is not too much, but I hope that you like our Shieldmaidens Guards for the Everqueen who will come soon!
We would like to launch the campaign before the end of the year, so keep an eye in our facebook!
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