Our sawmil for Warhammer Fantasy is finished! and we could paint it! We think that the sawmill will be a excellent scenery piece for Warhammer Mordheim (Empire in flames) and 1650 A capa y espada.
“More more wood!”
Along our articles named “sawmill” we have been bulding a scenery piece for Warhammer Fantasy with balsa wood. Finally the sawmill is done and ready to be painted.
Finally the sawmill is painted!
We use brown colors to paint the beams and planks. We decided don´t use painted wooden, red, red, yellow, because the wood necesary to build the sawmill has been taken from the forest around the building. The Empire is full of forest, so this could be very common in Warhammer Fantasy.
Paint the river helped to us to add new colors like green. Green and brown are two colors easy to complemented together.
Our modular gaming board is growing.
Thank to the sawmill is over a big wooden base, we could add full of details.
We wish taht you like our sawmill painted!
Play to Warhammer Fantasy, Mordheim (Empire in flames) and 1650 A capa y espada will be great with this scenery piece!