Finally we could finish our wire trees! Now that they are painted we could play to Warhammer Fantasy, Mordheim (Empire y flames) and 1650 A capa y espada with a great wood!
“Don´t miss the wood for the trees…”
We could no belive that we have finished our trees! It was great, because one of our objetives was done! Do someting, from the begining to the end. Our wire trees for Warhammer Fantasy have been a great project to us.
Trees are the most common scenery piece in Warhammer Fantasy.
Along Botanicvs Imperialis articles we have been sculpting wire trees. Today is time to paint them! In the article “Botánicvs Imperiales: Stumps” we painted trunks. We could pain all trees in that way.
To finish with the trees, we add foliage by Woodland Scenics with whithe glue and super glue.
And the trees are ready!
Only three or four trees are necessary deploy an excellent wood.

We hope that you enjoy looking how we sculpt our wire trees!
Don´t be afraid and do it yourself, go for it!