Scenery helps us to enter in the battle when we play Warhammer Fantasy, Mordheim (Empire in flames) and 1650 A Capa y espada. We are still doing scenery to complement our Woods, here you are our Stumps!
“Wach out, timber!”
We have been working in a modular gaming board for Warhammer Fantasy set in The Empire. We be able to play Empire in flames, Mordheim, and 1650 A capa y Espada too there.
A gaming board could look like a paint with enought scenery.
Modular gaming board must be:
Looks good: that its means, full of small details.
Practical: regiments must can move all aling the modular gaming board.
Was so easy do the stumps, we took the same way as we did with trees. We told it in the article “Botanicvs Imperialis. Sculpting a tree I“. Wire bodies and clay.
To paint them we used Vallejo Colours and Citadel. First we use Burnt Umber for the basecoating, Careful we added Agrax wash, just where it was needed. Then a drybrushing with Walnut, Walnut + Iroko and finally Walnut and Birch. These last of Model Color.
We painted the stumps like the trees.
We added foliage and greens in the base, as we did with the Trees.
“Stumps shows forest wounds“.

Our woods for Warhammer Fantasy, Mordheim (Empire in flames) and 1650 A capa y espada is nearly finished.
We hope that you like our stumps.