We are sure about many of you have gone to the cinema. Ender´s Game is the kind of film that allWargamer likes! or almost all. Is Ender´s Game a good adaptation of the book by Orson Scott Card?
“The enemi´s gate is down” Ender Wiggin
We could summarize the plot telling… Ender Wiggin (Asa Butterfield) is a boy borned afther the Formics, an space invader specie, attacked the Earth. Nowadays the govermment (Egemon) is training all children looking for the general who will take them to the victory… Ender is choose to follow his instruction at the Battle School, orbiting the earth.

That new film by Gavin Hood (director), is too much better than X-Men Origins: Lobezno. Something no specialy hard if we wach the film.

Harrison Ford and Ben Kingsley as luxury supporting actors can´t eclipse to Asa Butterfly, who is brilliant in his interpretation.

Photography and special effects are super. Zero gravity is assuming normally by the spectators. Screem very beautiful and full of colors.
We thin that the films is brilliant, but the book, are fantastic. To us, is better read the book first and know the story, then wach the film. Like in Harry Potter, the book is full of details that the film can´t show.
As modellers we must talk about the views that we see in the film. Deserts, shuttle launching, etc… very inspirational!
We hope that you enjoy at cinemas wachting Enders Game!