Our ruined house for Mordheim is progressing very good. First floor is nearly finished, we only need to add some details… and two drestoyed stone walls.
“It have been like that before I arrived!”
In the last articles about Mordheim ruined house we showed stone walls and a tile floor. Now is much easy imagine the ruine house as a terrain piece in a Warhammer Fantasy battle or 1650 A capa y espada game.Teníamos que terminar de hacer los muros derruidos, pero antes de ponernos a ello debíamos solucionar algunos elementos.
We started adding the door. We were sure about that the door disappear long time ago, so we did the frame. First we tried sculpting two pillars with high block stones, some of them broken.
Then we realise that it did look good. So we sculpt pillars on the same way that walls pillar. We added a stone arch, as the house was ruined, we didn´t placed all.
We got some problems with the walls joining. We decided add a frame of wooden beams in our Mordheim ruined house.
We tried doing big beams with Super Sculpey Frim clay. But It didn´t works At the end we decided took back the bock stones and the result was good. Now the ruined house looks much durable… when it was just a stone house, no ruined!
Place new walls was easy. We sculpted frist a pillar tu place in the middle. Then we sculpt the walls, taking off some stones.
Finally we add stones around the area and bit stones.
First floor was nearly ready. Our ruined house will became a terrain piece to Mordheim, Warhammer Fantasy and 1650 A capa y espada too soon.
Right now, we must think about the second floor, any idea?