Category: Warhammer Fantasy

Warhammer Fantasy

Warhammer fantasy: Dwarf Hammerers

Dwarf armies are so popular in Warhammer Fantasy, and a lots collectos like  them because old army look too 80′. Dwarf hammerers protect the heart of his race, the King or Queen of his frotress. Gorko has painted a old unit of Games Workshop Dwarf hammerers for his Warhammer old school army.

Warhammer Fantasy

Dwarf Warriors

In Warhammer fantasy, when dwarven race is under threat, merchands, crafters, miners, brewwers, answer to the call to the arms. Gorko has painted a Dwarf warriors regiment to his dwarven army.

Warhammer Fantasy

Empire: Ironsides handgunners of Nuln

Empire hangunners are a basic unit into Warhammer fantasy. Among all regiments, Ironsides handgunners of Nuln are the most famous. Asdarel has added a regiment of them into his Empire army.

Warhammer Fantasy

Kragg the grim, Dwarf Runelord

Kragg the grim is one of the most famous dwarf heroes of 3th and 4th editions of Warhammer fantasy. After disappeared he became a leyend. The oldest dwarf lord of the runes, Kragg the grim is too an excellent model of Warhammer Old School. Gorko painted one for his dwarf army.

Warhammer Fantasy

The White Dwarf, Warhammer fantasy

The White Dwarf is one of the characters who appears more times in the White Dwarf magazine, together with The infamous Black Goblin. An iconic figure of Warhammer Fantasy, The White Dwarf is a sing of a black future for the dwarven race. A black future and hope, because The White Dwarf going to fight whit them! Our friend Gorko, from Ludus Belli, has painted this excellent model!

Warhammer Fantasy

High elf Repeater bolt thrower

High elf repeater bolt thrower will probably be one of the most iconic units of Warhammer fantasy. We have painted one to deployed with our High elves host in combat.

Warhammer Fantasy

Bronzino’s galloper guns

Bronzino’s galloper guns is a Dogs of war regiment, unique in Warhammer Fantasy. Their light guns mounted on a gun carriage has a high mobility, strange for an artillery piece.

Warhammer Fantasy

High Elves: Dragon Princes of Caledor

Although dragon left long time ago, Princes of Caledor still have their pride. Our High Elves have a new cavalry unit to play Warhammer Fantasy. Dragon Princes of Caledor.

Warhammer Fantasy

Scenery. Ruined house III

Our ruined house for Mordheim is progressing very good. First floor is nearly finished, we only need to add some details… and two drestoyed stone walls.

Warhammer Fantasy

Scenery. Wooden Gate III

We are still working in severals scenery projets for Warhammer Fantasy, Mordheim (Empire in flames), Frostgrave and 1650 A capa y espada. Our wooden gate is one of them.