Infinity the game is our last sci fi challenge. We are still painting Operation Ice Storm figures, little by little. This week we have painted The Alguaciles.
Operatión Ice Storm it was our starting point with Infinity the game. We played our first games with unpainted models, but now that we have some of them painted, everything is much fun!
Operation Ice Storm is a great beggining to play Infinity the game
Although Corvus Belli hasn´t launched any figure of Alguacil lieutenant yet, we promoted one of the Alguaciles, the woman.
In the last article “Mobile brigada“, we showed up how we painted our first Nomand and Infinity the game model. With same colors we have painted the Alguacils.
We mainly used airbrush to paint the Alguaciles. The basecoat is Deep reed and lights are Antares red and Antares red mixed with white.
It is a very easy way to paint nomads, so we espect could finnish early all Operation Ice Storm figures.
“Alguacil Lieutenant evalutaes the ground before go head with the troops”

We need much spare time to can paint, anyway we going to show here any advance with or Operation Ice Storms or Infinity the game figures that we do.
Do you like the woman like Lieutenant?