It so possible that Warhammer 40.000 has much background than Warhammer Fantasy. In both universes you could collect a lots armies.We were looking for a new Warhammer 40.000 army and the pictures of Tau Empire by Bruno Rizzo helps us to take a decision.
Tau Empire is an excellent army to play Warhammer 40.000 campaings described in the Imperial Armours by Forge World with Imperial Guard.
Players are a great inspiration.
Step a step we are collecting our new Tau Empire army, but no only figures, pictures and drawnings too. While we were searching we found Bruno Rizzo profile in Dakkadakka and their excellents Tau Empire pictures.
Is not the best painting but the level is so high. Anyway the best is the feelings that this job detach. Besides weather effects are brilliant.
The omnipresent XV8 Crisis armour.
Choice colors are brilliant.
Bruno Rizzo has painted a small Empire Tau task force.
The fast Piranha of Tau Empire.
The heavy XV88 amour.
We think Bruno Rizzo´s Tau Empire is one of the mnost interesting jobs that we have seen in a long time in the Internet.
What do you think about it?