Lastsword Origins

Warhammer Fantasy
Comi Mec

Scenery. Wooden Gate III

We are still working in severals scenery projets for Warhammer Fantasy, Mordheim (Empire in flames), Frostgrave and 1650 A capa y espada. Our wooden gate is one of them.

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Warhammer Fantasy
Comi Mec

Empire . Schil´s Darts

We reinforcered our Empire army with a new Empire regiment. Shil´s Darts is a State Troops Swordmen unit for Warhammer Fantasy.

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Comi Mec

Bases. Stone II

We are always trying to improve everthing that we do. This could be El Canto de las Espadas major characteristic. Do you remember our stone bases? We used that in our Empire army. Well, this time we have been doing new stone bases!

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Warhammer 40k
Comi Mec

Tau Empire. Fire Warriors

Lately we have a lots projects, and we couldn´t finish all them yet! One of them is our Warhammer 40,000 Taros campaign, from the Imperial Armour III. We have painted one of the unit who takes part on it. Tau Empire Fire Warriors Team.

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Warhammer Fantasy
Comi Mec

Scenery. Ruined House II

We have been working on a ruined house for Warhammer Fantasy, Mordheim (Empire in flames) and 1650 A capa y espada. We have done the stone walls. A tile floor was the next step.

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Warhammer Fantasy
Comi Mec

Wood Elves. Treen kins

It is be a long time since we painted our last Wood Elves for Warhammer Fantasy. It´s the turn of our Tree kin, forest sipirits inside old wood.

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