This is a review of Master Class Volume 1 by Angel Giraldez, a book about painting miniatures.
Angel Giraldez was born in Spain and he is the official painter of Corbus Belli, the mother company of Infinity The Game. We think that one of the reason why Infinity The Game figures are so popular is because people likes how Angel Giraldez painting.
Talking about book printing we could find 118 fullcolor pages with a soft cover. It was printed in Spain, we like when companies support european business.

Joan of Arc was the figure incluyed in the limited edition launch. We hope that you are one of the luky ones who could took one!

The book has two content parts. The first 20 pages talking about materials, tools and basic painting techniques. And the second part, 100 pages full of pictures and painting guides.
Most of the book figures was painted with airbrush so you could find a lots ideas if you use it too.
Angel Giraldez shows how with an easy process we could get great results.

We think that Master Class Volume 1 is very interesting to have a look. Everybody could find ideas to paint with their airbruhs.
Even if Angel Giraldez airbrush technique is no the best to paint a entire army, is so good know about airbursh and how use different tools, knowing their possibilities.

Master Class Volume 1 by Angel Giraldez is a good book to know much about airbrush techniques and how are painted some Infinity The Game figures.
We also would like to congratulate Angel Giraldez for take the iniciative to write a great book and making know spanish potential.