Recently we did a stock of wooden strips as accessory to our sawmill, where we can play Warhammer Fantasy, Mordheim (Empire in flames) and 1650 A capa y espada games. Today we would like show new scenery piece, another accesory for our sawmill, a stock pile of trunks.
We were sure about how the stock pile of trunks must be. First, enough tall to hide a Warhammer Fantasy miniature. Second pretty.
We used a method similitar to that have used for the stock pile of wooden strips. A Dm base and foam core. Instead of use balsa wood this thime we used air dry clay Das.
We sculpted a lots tubes and put one over the other covering foam core. We cut small pieces to put on the sides. Using a foam core allow to us spent less clay and have a lighter scenery piece.
Wich all tunks placed we sculpted bark. It was so easy taking a sculping tool like 1650 A capa y espada sculptors use for desing miniatures. A half burried beams on the sides were the final detail.
We paint stock pile of strunk as we painted our Warhammer Fantasy trees. Even the base was the same!
We have the sawmill, trees and stumps, stock pile of wooden strips and stock pile of trunks already. Our games to Warhammer Fantasy, 1650 A capa y espada and Mordheim (Empire in flames) will be great plenty of scenery pieces!
Do you come up any other scenery piece for our sawmill?