Scenery everywhere! We are finishing so fast our second ruined house. We can´t wait to use to play Mordheim (Empire in flames), Frostgrave and Warhammer fantasy. This week we have finished with sculpting!
This is our tipical scenery month before christmas. We would like to finish our big ruined house and can play with a small twon taking our first ruined house.
Another Mordheim ruined house finished!
Right now we only have to paint our big ruined house. But bofore it we going to craft some resin copies. This is a very big scenery piece, so it is gona be a big mold, big and heavy! Anyway we hope can craft it with no problems!
Step a step our big ruined house has been erecter faster than the firts one, because we use our resin library.
We started with stone walls, sculping again some extra details.
Inner corner was a pin in the ass. Finally we use a stone pillar from the first ruined house and we shorted out the problem, coner done.
We needed cover the joing between both stone walls, so we erected a pillar just in the middle.
First floor was done as the ground. We took a piece from the ruined house and cut. Each piece will be placed in a different wall.
We needed to fix some pieces and take out old stone pillars.
We added a lots stones, wooden pieces and small rocks, everything in the ground and floor. Our housed was in ruin!
Our big ruined house is ready. Just we need to do a silicone mold and craft some of them with resin!
Here you are our big ruined house in three pieces.
We should do more houses before to play a really good game of Frostgrave or Mordheim. But without any doubt, if we add our water well, we are ready to play a Empire in flames and Warhammer fantasy game.
What do you think about our big ruined house?