Category: 1650


1650: Guarnicionero de la Guardia de Ysbilia

Sin duda de todas las miniaturas que Tercio Creativo ha sacado para 1650 A capa y espada, el Guardicionero de la Guardia de Ysbilia, del Antiguo Régimen es posiblemente nuestra favorita… hasta ahora. Otra gran miniatura que usaremos con el Imperio en Warhammer Fantasy y para jugar a Mordheim (Empire in flames)


1650: Mochilero, Morados Viejos

Poblably El Mochilero is the most fun 1650 A Capa y Espada model that Tercio Creativo has never sculpted. That wicked boy is a member of Morados Viejos, from the New Order. We could avoid to included him with our Empire army, as a free company.


1650: Ysbilia guard.

To us  1650 A capa y espada is a great game. It is similar to Mordheim (Empire in flames) but with much stuff. In both games, the experience is better if you play with a full scenery board and painted figures. Ysbilia Guard of Morados viejos, Old regime is the last miniature that we have painted.


1650: Alguacil de la Guardia de Ysbilia

1650 A capa y espada is a skirmish game by Tercio Creativo. Quickly became on our favorite games. Right now, we are painting the models  as much as possible. Today, we would like show our Alguacil from Old regime faction.


Everything has a beginning…

There is not  better begining for this blog that supporting to 1650 A Capa y Espada though their IndiegogoDies Irae. For us, Tercio Creativo‘s miniatures are nearly the best in the market, at the present time.