Category: Warhammer 40k

Warhammer 40k

Dark angels: Interrogator Chaplain Seraphicus

Seraphicus was the Interrogator chaplain of Dark Angels along the Pandorax campaing, in the 959-961.M41 of Warhammer 40.000. This limited edition figured was selling into the Dark vengance box. Giye loved the miniature and he took one for him!

Warhammer 40k

Imperio Tau: Xv88 Apocalipsis

When Tau Empire arrived to Warhammer 40.000, Xv88 battlesuit was the most heavy amoured figured that Taus could deployed agains the enemies. Giyes has painted one of this battlesuit, his frist Empire Tau miniature!

Warhammer 40k

Imperial Guard. Leman Russ

Our Astra Militarum army has a new vehicle to play Taros campaign. An Imperial Guard Leman Russ tank, one of our favorites tanks of Warhammer 40,000.

Warhammer 40k

Tau Empire. Fire Warriors

Lately we have a lots projects, and we couldn´t finish all them yet! One of them is our Warhammer 40,000 Taros campaign, from the Imperial Armour III. We have painted one of the unit who takes part on it. Tau Empire Fire Warriors Team.

Warhammer 40k

Leman Russ Annihilator from the Imperial Guard

Some time ago we started one of those projects that every commander from the Imperial Guard owns. But at the time of playing Warhammer 40.000 isn’t the most versatile thing, the image of the battleship company is always pleasing to see, or your opponent one, including tanks. Starting to prepare the Imperial Armour III The Taros Campaign also boosted the vehicles.  

Warhammer 40k

Painting Guide: Imperial Guard Elysians

When we presented in society the Elysians army from the Imperial Guard we were prepairing to play the Taros Campaign from the Imperial Armour III for Warhammer 40k, we got shocked by the replies.

Warhammer 40k

Taros campaign. Imperial Guard: Valkirie

Imperial Guard Astra Miliratum, is one of our favourite armies of Warhammer 40.000. The last regiment that we have collected is Elysian drop troops. We going to deploy them with our new Imperial Guard Valkirie.