Lastsword Origins

Warhammer Fantasy
oscar lopez

Middenheim Band for Mordheim

As the good enthusiast to this hobby we work on streaks. These last days, the Mordheim bands have raised on our priority list. Like in every project, before going all in, we looked for references, and during that search of previous needed material for our Middenheimers we found this little gem we wanna show you.

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Warhammer Fantasy
oscar lopez

Review Citadel Nihilakh Oxide with Sigmarita Matriarch from Mordheim

Not a long time ago we shown you how we used the new paints from Citadel: Special Effects. At that time we used Agrellan Earth on some bases. Now we will experiment with Nihilakh Oxide. As the experiment subject, we chose the Sigmarita Matriarch from the Mordheim band we’re preparing to try the rules from the Mordheim Return.

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Comi Mec

Building a sawmill. Accessories II

Recently we did a stock of wooden strips as accessory to our sawmill, where we can play Warhammer Fantasy, Mordheim (Empire in flames) and 1650 A capa y espada games. Today we would like show new scenery piece, another accesory for our sawmill, a stock pile of trunks.

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Warhammer Fantasy
oscar lopez

Imperial Harquebusiers from Hochland

During the years we’ve felt this hobby in diferent levels of intensity but there has always been something that made us live it stronger. The Impery is part of that something that made us want to go further. It was the first strenght we organized of Warhammer Fantasy, and the main reason why we started lots of different projects, like for example the modular boards. And it’s the power of reviving the sensations we experienced 15 years ago, when we were just starting on this fantasy world, what makes

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Warhammer 40k
Comi Mec

Painting Guide: Imperial Guard Elysians

When we presented in society the Elysians army from the Imperial Guard we were prepairing to play the Taros Campaign from the Imperial Armour III for Warhammer 40k, we got shocked by the replies.

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Comi Mec

Modular gaming surface. Wheat fields

We would like do a modular gaming board wich we could play to Warhammer Fantasy, Empire in flames (Mordheim), 1650 A Capa y Espada, even Warhammer 40.000 in a medieval world! That was the reason why our modular gaming board set in a empire province. AtThe Empire there are two things… forest and wheat fields!

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