Lastsword Origins

Comi Mec

Ruined house VII Finished!

Warhammer fantasy, Mordheim (Empire in flames) and 1650 A capa y espada have a different game experience deploying sceneries on the tabletop. Finally we have finished our ruined house, we hope that you like it!

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Warhammer Fantasy
Comi Mec

Empire: Ironsides handgunners of Nuln

Empire hangunners are a basic unit into Warhammer fantasy. Among all regiments, Ironsides handgunners of Nuln are the most famous. Asdarel has added a regiment of them into his Empire army.

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Infynity the Game
oscar lopez

Infinity: Teniente Alguacil Nómada

Infinity the game is our last sci fi challenge. We are still painting Operation Ice Storm figures, little by little. This week we have painted The Alguaciles.

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Comi Mec

Scenery: Ruined house VI

Our ruined house for Warhammer fantasy, Mordheim (Empie in flames) and 1650 A capa y espada is finished. But we added some extra details before to paint, a outdoor wooden shutters.

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Warhammer Fantasy
Comi Mec

Kragg the grim, Dwarf Runelord

Kragg the grim is one of the most famous dwarf heroes of 3th and 4th editions of Warhammer fantasy. After disappeared he became a leyend. The oldest dwarf lord of the runes, Kragg the grim is too an excellent model of Warhammer Old School. Gorko painted one for his dwarf army.

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Comi Mec

Scenery. Ruined house V

We are still working in our ruined house for Mordheim (Empire in flames), Warhammer fantasy and 1650 A capa y espada. We have added the walls in the second floor.

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