Reichguard foot knight II
One more painted. This time our Reichgard foot Knight has a great weapon! The Kickstarter is closer and closer!
One more painted. This time our Reichgard foot Knight has a great weapon! The Kickstarter is closer and closer!
Hi everybody! We can´t belive it, but finally our firts miniatures project is finished. It was a very hard work, no without problems. We haven´t showed too much until today, because we didn´t ask for your suppor before be sure everything will be ready!
Little by little we are finishing our Reichguard foot knights. We can’t wait to play Warhammer fantasy, even Mordheim (Empire in flames) or 1650 A capa y espada. But firts we need to finish the regiment, and the musician is the following figure!
Probably, The reichguard foot knights is our most importan project at the moment. We are taken all time that we need get our goal, have a great regiment. Right now we would like to show our characters.
We are proud that show here our firts steps of out most ambitious project, Last Sword Miniatures.