Well guys, is now or … I don not when in the future, so let’s go! Undeads, The Falling County of Ampurias will be open tomorrow! So do not book any table and be ready at 19:00 CET.
Maybe you think that is so excinting launch a campaign in kickstarter… do not know, maeby, but is so hard and you spend most of the time checking and checking… nearly for nothing, because you always miss something. Well anyway, it is time to speak about our campaing.
Campaing runs from 6th of June to sunday 4th of July. I do not wanna see people waiting for the last minute, so I am not going to say the ended time 😛 We hope send backers parcels in Junary-February, so do not expect to have them in christmas time.

What does Undeads, The Falling County of Ampurias offer to you? It is a great question, you will have to wait until tomorro to know that 😉 . We have been showing in our blog most of the miniatures that you will find inside the campaign. Futhermore we have a couple of “sorprises”.
Skeleton warrios are the main body of the campaign. As always you will be able to get them in different ways: patrols (4), regiments (20), cohorts (40) and legions (60) the best deal. Can be glue with spear or hand weapon, both options inside all pledges and most of the bits will be interchangeable. We have another “mysterius unit” too, sorry if you have to wait until tomorrow.
This time we have a lot of characters in the campaign: The Annointed Count, Juan I, Galliard of Galliners, Sor Claudia, The Dip, Guifredo… Sure that you do not know all them yet but we have to keep some sorprise for the “premier”.
Some of our singles miniatures are going to be avariable as Stretch Goal too. So remember, if you share on internet and more backers take part on it, more stretch goals you will have!

Oh! By the way: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lastsword/undeads-the-fallen-county-of-ampurias
So thank you so much guys and I hope see you soon in the campaign backers list!
Take care!