Lastsword Origins

Comi Mec

Message in a mailbox

See a mailbox is very common when you are playing to Warhammer Online. We decided to one for us, and play with it to Warhammer Fantasy, Mordheim (Empire in flames) and 1650 A capa y espada.

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Warhammer Fantasy
Comi Mec

Scenery: Hut I

We are doing a new scenery piece. It is a hut for Warhammer Fantasy.

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oscar lopez

1650: Guarnicionero de la Guardia de Ysbilia

Sin duda de todas las miniaturas que Tercio Creativo ha sacado para 1650 A capa y espada, el Guardicionero de la Guardia de Ysbilia, del Antiguo Régimen es posiblemente nuestra favorita… hasta ahora. Otra gran miniatura que usaremos con el Imperio en Warhammer Fantasy y para jugar a Mordheim (Empire in flames)

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Comi Mec

Modular Board: Hills

It’s true that there’s no Warhammer Fantasy, 1650 A Capa y Espada or even Mordheim based on Empire in Flames board that isn’t completed in one or two hills. We were used to see the clasic couple of wargaming hills aimed each one to a different deployment area, and we wanted to do something different. After doing the paths and wheat fields for our modular board we decided to give it some height.

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Warhammer 40k
oscar lopez

Leman Russ Annihilator from the Imperial Guard

Some time ago we started one of those projects that every commander from the Imperial Guard owns. But at the time of playing Warhammer 40.000 isn’t the most versatile thing, the image of the battleship company is always pleasing to see, or your opponent one, including tanks. Starting to prepare the Imperial Armour III The Taros Campaign also boosted the vehicles.  

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