Tag: paint

miniature of the week

Eldar Mymeara Spaceship World

Sometimes surfing on the internet you find magnifique works. In those moments you feel like you gotta echo yourself and show it to more people. That’s what crossed our mind when we saw the Eldar that Jolly Roger Studio had painted to represent the Myemara Spaceship World.


1650: Alguacil de la Guardia de Ysbilia

1650 A capa y espada is a skirmish game by Tercio Creativo. Quickly became on our favorite games. Right now, we are painting the models  as much as possible. Today, we would like show our Alguacil from Old regime faction.


Scenery. Empire warcamp.

Napoleonic games use to have baggages and warcamps. It’s something that we really like, and it could be interesting for Warhammer Fantasy, Mordheim (Empire in Flames) or 1650 A Capa y Espada.

Warhammer Fantasy

The Alcatani fellowship

Over the yeras our Empire army have grown with different regiments. Dogs of war is one our of favorites Warhammer Fantasy armies and their units use to be deployed together with empire state troops.


Everything has a beginning…

There is not  better begining for this blog that supporting to 1650 A Capa y Espada though their IndiegogoDies Irae. For us, Tercio Creativo‘s miniatures are nearly the best in the market, at the present time.