Lastsword Origins

Comi Mec

Botánicvs Imperialis: Resin trees

Tree, wood, forest. Would like to increase our scenery element to play Warhammer fantasy, Kings of war, Mordheim (Empire in flames), Frostgrave, etc. So we sculpted a new trees with something special.

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Comi Mec

Shadows of the Redchapel

Horror circus, is another model presented in Hispania Wargames 2017 Painting Competition. Today we bring it to you!

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Comi Mec

Hispania Wargames: Dragon Lady

Hispania Wargames 2017 finished last weekend. In the saturday we could see a lots of nice miniatures in the painting competition. Lady Dragon, is an Infinity the game molde presented by Daniel Rueda.

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Comi Mec

Stone stair

We love do scenery for  Warhammer Fantasy, Mordheim and Frostgrave. Now that our ruined houses are done ,we have decided to work in extra details that we can place into the buildings. The first of these details will be a stone stair.

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Warhammer 40k
Comi Mec

Dark angels: Interrogator Chaplain Seraphicus

Seraphicus was the Interrogator chaplain of Dark Angels along the Pandorax campaing, in the 959-961.M41 of Warhammer 40.000. This limited edition figured was selling into the Dark vengance box. Giye loved the miniature and he took one for him!

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Comi Mec

Big painted ruined house

Mordheim, Frostgrave and Age of Sigmar need scenery to play in, however Warhammer Fantasy and Kings of war need scenery to play around. We have finished our big ruined house! Even now is painted!

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