The Forge of Last Sword

Comi Mec

Reichguard Captain

Reichguard Captain is one of my favourite miniatures. We had not any model painted, so our friend Giye gave us a hand painting this model, thak you!

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Comi Mec

Reichguard foot knight

Hi everybody! We can´t belive it, but finally our firts miniatures project is finished. It was a very hard work, no without problems. We haven´t showed too much until today, because we didn´t ask for your suppor  before be sure everything will be ready!

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Comi Mec

Last Sword Miniatures: Reichguard foot knights, musician

Little by little we are finishing our Reichguard foot knights. We can’t wait to play Warhammer fantasy, even Mordheim (Empire in flames) or 1650 A capa y espada. But firts we need to finish the regiment, and the musician is the following figure!

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Comi Mec

Last Sword Miniatures: The Reichguard II

Probably, The reichguard foot knights is  our most importan project at the moment. We are taken all time that we need get our goal, have a great regiment. Right now we would like to show our characters.

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