High Elves: Dragon Princes of Caledor
Although dragon left long time ago, Princes of Caledor still have their pride. Our High Elves have a new cavalry unit to play Warhammer Fantasy. Dragon Princes of Caledor.
Although dragon left long time ago, Princes of Caledor still have their pride. Our High Elves have a new cavalry unit to play Warhammer Fantasy. Dragon Princes of Caledor.
For us, Infinity the game is no only a new game system. It is a unknow universe, with a wide range of figures. Mobile brigade is the first Nomad miniature that we have painted.
This is a review of Master Class Volume 1 by Angel Giraldez, a book about painting miniatures.
Jupiter Ascending is not the best film by Wachowsky brithers. Anyway could be much interesinting for sciency fiction fans.
We are proud that show here our firts steps of out most ambitious project, Last Sword Miniatures.
Nowadays is common see Bretonnian and Undead figures combinated to create an undead betronnian army. But sometimes the work is excellent. Today we would like to show one of the best armies that we have never seen.
Sin duda de todas las miniaturas que Tercio Creativo ha sacado para 1650 A capa y espada, el Guardicionero de la Guardia de Ysbilia, del Antiguo Régimen es posiblemente nuestra favorita… hasta ahora. Otra gran miniatura que usaremos con el Imperio en Warhammer Fantasy y para jugar a Mordheim (Empire in flames)
Some time ago we started one of those projects that every commander from the Imperial Guard owns. But at the time of playing Warhammer 40.000 isn’t the most versatile thing, the image of the battleship company is always pleasing to see, or your opponent one, including tanks. Starting to prepare the Imperial Armour III The Taros Campaign also boosted the vehicles.
As the good enthusiast to this hobby we work on streaks. These last days, the Mordheim bands have raised on our priority list. Like in every project, before going all in, we looked for references, and during that search of previous needed material for our Middenheimers we found this little gem we wanna show you.