Online Store News: 2022 May Patreon
This month we have some new models from our Patreon in our online store. Amazons, Undead, Humans Empires and Elves miniature ranges have new models launched in May. So, let me introduce them!
This month we have some new models from our Patreon in our online store. Amazons, Undead, Humans Empires and Elves miniature ranges have new models launched in May. So, let me introduce them!
We have some new models from our Patreon in our online store. In April we released: Lizardmen, Warriors of the Ashes, Undead, Vampire Counts, Elves, Human Empire and Sisters of Serens miniatures. Let’s to have a closed view from them!
Here we are again with a new campaign on Kickstarter. Wood Elves have arrived to LastSword Miniatures, an a new army is ready to be called!
A long time ago, we promised a elven rider on dragon. Well guys, is the time to show up to him, The Dragon Prince! One of the main starts of our new kickstarter.
Here we are again with another model for our campaign Elven Lords: Queen’s Duty. The Clash Master is an elven mage who wears an amour!
Working on the Kickstarter campaign, I am taking a breath to show you up a 3D model of a Shieldmainden with bow. One of the models that you will find the following week avariable!
Black Swan knights are cavalry for our elven army. Now that the kickstarter campaign is so close is the time to introduce these models!
Today we bring the final 3D models of Saurian Warriors Command Group. Bearer and muscian are the last two remodeled miniatures for our lizarmen army, so we hope that you like guys!
Elves are back, and these ladies are ready to protect their Queen. Shieldmaidens Guards are growing up!
Saurian Warriors are done… onces again! With hand weapon or spear, the cohort is ready to be printed (one more time…), moulded, crafted, packed and sended to our kickstarter barkers!!!