Infinity the game: High commissioner
The High Commissioner is a Corvus Belli figure with a less usual martial pose. Giye has painted one of this Infinity the game figures.
The High Commissioner is a Corvus Belli figure with a less usual martial pose. Giye has painted one of this Infinity the game figures.
In Warhammer 40.000 Eldars are an enigmatic and damned race, but strong enough to change universe course. Among all Eldars, Harlequins are most misteriouses for Imperium of man. Giye wished paint a Harlequin model and finally has done.
Infinity the game is our last sci fi challenge. We are still painting Operation Ice Storm figures, little by little. This week we have painted The Alguaciles.
Warhammer fantasy is our main source of inspiration, but we are open to meet new games as Infinity the game or Bushido. Giye likes Bushido´s oriental figures. He has painted Ikiryo to try something different.
Kasrkin are elite troops of the Imperial Guard Astra Militarum. Recluiting in Cadia, their duty is defend the fortress world of the Archenemy. Giye has painted one of this figures for his Warhammer 40.000 collection, a Kasrkin Sergeant.
The war doesn’t have an end in Warhammer 40.000. Space Marines are the best soldiers of the galaxy, among they Blood Angels are known for their courage. Some Space Marines cant find the eternal rest and come back from death’s doors to fight again inside a Dreagnought amour. Giye brings to us his Blood Angels Furioso Dreadnought.
The universe in Warhammer 40.000 is dark, a gloomy place where warlords fight among themselves for the little that remains of the Imperium. Ghazghkull Thraka is the biggest ork warlord, is a prophet of the Waagh! Giye bring to us a Ghazghkull Thraka, a Games Workshop figure, painted by him.
High elf repeater bolt thrower will probably be one of the most iconic units of Warhammer fantasy. We have painted one to deployed with our High elves host in combat.
We have a new team member in Last Sword Miniatures, Giye! He bring to us one of their very well painted figures of Infinity The game. Haqqislam troop, Azrail Feuerbach.
Bronzino’s galloper guns is a Dogs of war regiment, unique in Warhammer Fantasy. Their light guns mounted on a gun carriage has a high mobility, strange for an artillery piece.