Darwen Kings: Slayers Hall – First Concepts
The Dwarven Kings, our new miniatures project! We are working in the ancient race to add into our collection! Dwarfs are maybe the most popular 80′ miniatures so the challenger will be huge to us!

Martin of Pamplona, Pre Order.
Today we bring our first pre order model out of Kickstarter campaigns!!! It is Martin of Pamplona on horse and on foot. A Great character who brings back great memories.

Juan I of Aragon painted
Juan I of Aragón in all his glory! This undead miniature looks amazing painted and even can be play as a breton knight with the full helmet! We have taken some pictures and a 360º video!

Guifredo the troubadour, painted
Guifredo, the troubadour will play for us the last song. A song to say goodbye, a song to say take care, a song to say thank you all for this amazing trip. Last 24 hours for our Undead campaign on Kickstarter, The Fallen County of Ampurias.

Skeleton Musician painted
Two days left before the party ends, but the music is still on!!! Skeleton Musician is one of the Command Group members that you can get with all our Skeleton Warriors Regiment.

Galliard of Galliners painted
Galliard of Galliners… or the Chicken Knight, whatever. Another excellent character of our undead campaign on kickstarter. This Wight Knight has been painted by Giye and you can see al details in our 360º video!

Skeleton Warrior Officer, painted
Skeleton Warrior Officer painted is our miniature for today, but as today is satuyday let’s go with a “fast” update! We have taken some pictures and a 360º of this undead model painted by Giye.

Pack of Dips 3D
The Dip has been welcomed as miniature. For that reason we have thought that maybe we should sculpt some more… so it is our last incorporation to the undead campaing, a Pack of Dips.

Maria Vilademuls 3D
Finally we have finish our WIP model, Maria Vilademuls is done!!! I hope that you like this iconic model that can be use as a undead Banshee too if you want!