Tag: Lizard Men


Online Store News: 2022 May Patreon

This month we have some new models from our Patreon in our online store. Amazons, Undead, Humans Empires and Elves miniature ranges have new models launched in May. So, let me introduce them!


Online Store News: 2022 April Patreon

We have some new models from our Patreon in our online store. In April we released: Lizardmen, Warriors of the Ashes, Undead, Vampire Counts, Elves, Human Empire and Sisters of Serens miniatures. Let’s to have a closed view from them!


Saurian Musician & Bearer remodeled

Today we bring the final 3D models of Saurian Warriors Command Group. Bearer and muscian are the last two remodeled miniatures for our lizarmen army, so we hope that you like guys!


Remodeled Saurian Warriors

Saurian Warriors are done… onces again! With hand weapon or spear, the cohort is ready to be printed (one more time…), moulded, crafted, packed and sended to our kickstarter barkers!!!


Nazka-Y, Ancient’s rage

Nothing else ta we can say about our Lizarmen. Two days more and the campaign will be finished and our relax will back to our lifes! Anyway, today we show up Nazkay, Ancient’s rage, painted by Giye!


The Quatl, Saurian Ancient’s Lord

Just three days left! The Jungle’s Awakening is beeing a great success, thank you all! And now, lets go to see one of the best miniatures of this campaign, the Quatl!



Today we bring maybe the famoust miniature of our Lizarmen campaign, the Thyroscutus. A great model to play 9th Age with Saurian Ancients army, now avariable now on Kickstarter.


Saurian Warlord

Today we would like to introduce our Saurian Warlord, one of the Saurian Ancients characters. Take a closer look of this excellent miniature painted by Giye.


Skink Priest

We are in our first campaign’s week and The Skinks Priest is one of our unlocked Strech goals. Today we bring up to you  this great miniature  for Lizarmen Armies, painted and showed a 360º video!


Saurian Warrios with hand weapon

So we already revealed the Saurian Warrior with the spears for our lizarmen campaign The Jungle’s Awakening. Hand weapon and shield is a common way to play with Saurian Warrios in to many Ancient Saurian armies.