Category: Scenery


Big ruined house I

Buildings in a Warhammer fantasy and Kings of war battlefiled battle use to be a obstacle, but playing to Mordheim (Empire in flames) and Frostgrave is so different. A village will be our next scenery challenge, we have started to do a big ruined house.


Ruined house VII Finished!

Warhammer fantasy, Mordheim (Empire in flames) and 1650 A capa y espada have a different game experience deploying sceneries on the tabletop. Finally we have finished our ruined house, we hope that you like it!


Scenery: Ruined house VI

Our ruined house for Warhammer fantasy, Mordheim (Empie in flames) and 1650 A capa y espada is finished. But we added some extra details before to paint, a outdoor wooden shutters.


Scenery. Ruined house V

We are still working in our ruined house for Mordheim (Empire in flames), Warhammer fantasy and 1650 A capa y espada. We have added the walls in the second floor.


Scenery: Warhammer Orchard

Scenery does much interesting a wargaming game. It helps us to feel battle atmosphere. We have done a small Warhammer orchard to play Warhammer Fantasy, Mordheim (Empire in flames) and 1650 A capa y espada.


Scenery. Ruined house IV

Finally we have could return to Last Sword with new entries. We have been able to be working a in our ruined house for Mordheim (Empire in flames) project. We think that we could use this scenery for play Warhammer Fantasy and 1650 A capa y espada too. Anyway we started with the second floor!


Bases. Stone way III

Our stone bases for Warhammer Fantasy are done. Now we need to decide wich figures will be on it. Probably we put a Empire regiment.


Scenery. Water Well V

Our water well is finished and finally we could play with it to Warhammer Fantasy, Mordheim and 1650 A capa y espada.


Bases. Stone II

We are always trying to improve everthing that we do. This could be El Canto de las Espadas major characteristic. Do you remember our stone bases? We used that in our Empire army. Well, this time we have been doing new stone bases!


Message in a mailbox

See a mailbox is very common when you are playing to Warhammer Online. We decided to one for us, and play with it to Warhammer Fantasy, Mordheim (Empire in flames) and 1650 A capa y espada.