Archers, The Elven Lords
The Elven Lords have arrived to Kickstarter! From today at 18:00 CEST, the access to the project is full opened. Just have a look and check our figures and sceneries.

Kickstarter, The Elven Lords
The Elven Lords project has come! 2nd of October it going to be launched on Kickstarter! Now we would like to introduce some features of our multipose High Elves figures!

LastSword Miniatures at Freak Wars 2017
Freak Wars 2017 is a spanish show in Madrid running by La Posada del Friki. LastSword Miniatures has been there the 16th and 17th of September with our own Stand.

High Elf Spearmen, our following Kickstarter!
The Elven Lords is the name of our first High Elves Kickstarter. Today, we would like to introduce our High Elf Spearmen, the first models that we can show!

Botánicvs Imperialis: Resin trees
Tree, wood, forest. Would like to increase our scenery element to play Warhammer fantasy, Kings of war, Mordheim (Empire in flames), Frostgrave, etc. So we sculpted a new trees with something special.

On sale now, Reichguard Knights!
Would you like to get some Reichguard Knights? They are now avariable in our online store.

Hispania Wargames 2017 Gallery
Hispania Wargames 2017 was a great show! We invite to everyone to come and see the next year, we will!. With the stand, we couldn’t find time enough to take pictures of all these fantastic figures from Painting competition.

Reichguard Pledge Manager
Our Reichguard foot knights kickstarter is finished. Our Pledge Manager is running. Did you lost our Kickstarter? Don’t worry, you can participate now.

Reichguard foot knights: bases
These are last days of our Kickstarter. Today we bring bases that we sculpted for our Reichguard foot knights.