Tag: High Kingdom


Online Store News: 2022 May Patreon

This month we have some new models from our Patreon in our online store. Amazons, Undead, Humans Empires and Elves miniature ranges have new models launched in May. So, let me introduce them!


Online Store News: 2022 April Patreon

We have some new models from our Patreon in our online store. In April we released: Lizardmen, Warriors of the Ashes, Undead, Vampire Counts, Elves, Human Empire and Sisters of Serens miniatures. Let’s to have a closed view from them!


High Kingdom Village – Kickstarter campaign

High Kingdom Village, is our new kickstarter campaign. Set up your own fortified town into an empire atmosphere with the different buildings included. Ready to be printed with FDM 3D printers. Futhermore some pieces can be printer too with SLA 3D printers.


Reichguard Pledge Manager

Our Reichguard foot knights kickstarter is finished. Our Pledge Manager is running. Did you lost our Kickstarter? Don’t worry, you can participate now.  


Reichguard Captain

Reichguard Captain is one of my favourite miniatures. We had not any model painted, so our friend Giye gave us a hand painting this model, thak you!