Nazka-Y, Ancient’s rage
Nothing else ta we can say about our Lizarmen. Two days more and the campaign will be finished and our relax will back to our lifes! Anyway, today we show up Nazkay, Ancient’s rage, painted by Giye!
Nothing else ta we can say about our Lizarmen. Two days more and the campaign will be finished and our relax will back to our lifes! Anyway, today we show up Nazkay, Ancient’s rage, painted by Giye!
Just three days left! The Jungle’s Awakening is beeing a great success, thank you all! And now, lets go to see one of the best miniatures of this campaign, the Quatl!
Today we bring maybe the famoust miniature of our Lizarmen campaign, the Thyroscutus. A great model to play 9th Age with Saurian Ancients army, now avariable now on Kickstarter.
Today we would like to introduce our Saurian Warlord, one of the Saurian Ancients characters. Take a closer look of this excellent miniature painted by Giye.
Sisters of Serens have arrived, implacable faith warriors in a dark world. We show up these great miniatures to play Mordheim City of Damned, Frostgrave or others skirmish games. Now avariable in our online store.
The Late Pledge Manager, of Elven Lords is open now! If you couldn’t take in part of our campaign, now you have a new chace to do it!
Soon our Elf Mage will be free for orders over 79€ after unlock the following stretch goal. We have taken some new images , we hope that you like! Furthermore we have added three new addons: Dragon shields, Tree shields, and swords pack.
The ruined hall is our new building that we add to our scenery collection. Although now ew are really busy with our Elven lords campaign, we can not wait to play Mordheim (Empire in flames) with our new house. To celebrate it, we have added a new scenery pack with all our ruined house in the kickstarter campaign.
Dragon horn is our following piece from The 1st Command Group sprue for our Elven Lords. Most of times, players don not use musician in their warhammer regiment, but we think that our Drahon horn must be playing!
The Elven Lords keep going and now their banners appear against the horizon. Today we bring one of the bit from our Command Group sprue, Drako banner.